He Is The Image

  • Michael Bobb

Vocal Chamber Music Soprano, Tenor, Violin, Piano

He Is The Image

1st Chorus
He is glorious
All so beautiful
Yet all mine
Shining radiant
Let us worship Him
He is The Image
Worship Him

Verses 1, 2, 3, 4
I say!
He covers and rules all the regions
Whatever the thrones or dominions
He is the ultimate Champion
This is my Jesus!
He sustains your very existence
Loving and caring with such kindness
Works in you and through you to bless, yes!
This is my Jesus!
I say!
The Father out of His good pleasure
Decided all fullness and treasure
To dwell within Him without measure
To dwell within Him without measure
This is my Jesus!
His blood brings reconciliation
Away from evil thoughts and actions
Presenting you as pure and holy, wahoo!
This is my Jesus!

2nd Chorus
He is The Image
So take your courage
And touch Him
He is glorious
Shining radiant
All so beautiful
Yet all mine
Let us worship Him
Worship Him
This is my Jesus