How To Be A Creative Freelancer

  • GoodBadMad Admin
  • Jess Willis
  • Meg Elys
  • Haylee Campbell

At GoodBadMad, our mission is to inspire creatives by encouraging them to enter the arts through a range of accessible resources. We are a platform that supports up and comers across Film, TV, and Theatre industries with exclusive content, live interviews, podcasts, and events. Have you made the daring decision to become a creative freelancer? Are you thinking about becoming one and not sure where to start? Join us in this one-hour session as we cover your essential needs as you break into freelance work. Whether you're looking to crack freelance graphic design, acting, social media, web design, set design, theatre performing, costume making, stage management, audio operation - the list goes on. The fundamentals of freelance remain the same. We're here to guide you on the basics that make up: - Building your freelance company: sole trader or limited? - Time management, boundaries, and productivity when working - Working from home and how to crack it perfectly - Working on the move with free London spaces to work from (+ they're cute!) - Marketing and branding - Networking online and offline - Budgeting and invoicing Join us, as we help to cultivate the industry talent of tomorrow. Find the Zoom link here: TBD Want to find out more? Web: IG: @goodbadmad Apple Podcast: Spotify Podcast:

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