I Bet You Wish... - Period Poverty Awareness

  • Ben Kinkaid

"I Bet You Wish..." is a good, old-fashioned awareness campaign in public toilets - with a twist. Those using toilet stalls will discover they're out of loo roll. Comfort compromised, panic sets in and, as they consider the cardboard tube, the poster (as featured) draws their attention. This outlines the reason they're suffering, communicates the stats behind the problem, and the final smaller line of copy reveals a hidden stash camouflaged in the cubicle. For adam&eveDDB "First Bite" creative placement scheme

I Bet You Wish... - Period Poverty Awareness by Ben Kinkaid
I Bet You Wish... - Period Poverty Awareness by Ben Kinkaid
Ben Kinkaid
Creative Copywriter & UK Marketing Lead