• Sam Percy

Pot Noodle - Pot Noodle creates pop up stores around the country close to universities. These pop up are designed to only have a hot water dispenser in. Students bring along their Pot Noodle to fill up with hot water, they can then socialise with fellow students who they may never have met before. This could be in collaboration with the government and have the message of supporting young people's mental health and how university can be lonely for some. This is also perfect for Pot Noodle as they are targeting their exact target audience and building trust/reputation. I also think this advert/publicity stunt would go viral as the idea of having a pop up store with just hot water is unique/entertaining and it's all they would need for the concept to work. This of course would be filmed and edited into an advert, I assume this is where most of the exposure would come from.
Sam Percy