
  • Imogen Ward

IDLE is a self-led project that I worked on towards the end of the UK national lockdown in 2021. My aim was to share these snippets of life that I’ve made note of over the last few years-and that have, until now, been trapped in the depths of my notes app. My aim was to use noise and movement to capture a ‘feeling’ for all of these GIFs; they all depict generally universal experiences for people in the UK. Most of us have experienced a sleepy (hungover?) Sunday morning, a cold bathroom, a sunny day mid-heatwave. So i’d like it if these GIFs triggered some emotion in the viewer; reminding them of a similar moment in their own life. Failing that, I’ll equally be happy if they enjoy these moving images for their visual appeal-which I put equal effort into! Ultimately, this project was an effort to share my own mindful moments/happy memories and for that reason alone it has been one of my favourite projects to date. As well as one that I would love to add to once I’ve found more inspiration!