This was a project years in the making, as i have come to realise, is often the case. I first met Usman Bin Omar back in 2016. We were both on a startup business course and he pitched this crazy idea of starting a triathlon out in Pakistan. Now, anyone else I would have dismissed, but he had something about him, a crazy glint in his eye, that made me think he was really going to do it - no matter what.
We kept in touch over the next few years. He would Skype me from various mountain towns out in Pakistan and tell me about his progress. He put the event on in 2017 and nobody showed up, the same happened in 2018 but finally in 2019 he got his first signup and then the dominoes all fell into place. We were on.
The twelve day shoot was a seminal experience for me, a crash course in adventure filmmaking, a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience the beauty and chaos of Pakistan and witness a man fulfilling his dream of bringing a triathlon to the mountains of Pakistan.
None of it would have been possible without my adventure buddy/filmmaking guru Duncan Yeldham who kept calm and steady in the craziest of situations.