Interrogate your instincts

  • Eveline Kinzkofer

We go through life continually taking photographs on our phones, often these images are taken in haste and never get thought about again. In this workshop, we were being asked to revisit some of these images in order to interrogate our instincts as an image-maker. We were asked to scroll through our images, choosing at least 5 that were ones we forgot we took. Often we don't take note of our instincts, and these are the pictures that we should use to pick apart our thought process. The aim was to create a spread that touches on the visual connections between the photographs, interrogating the images and connections between them.

Based on these selced items I had 3 different themes .This spread is made up of a collection of images I took during a walk. Unintentionally, I had noticed the structure of various roofs and decided to capture a number of them. I’d completely forgotten I had taken them and never actually went back to them to make anything of it.

Keywords: Structure / architecture / form / unintentional
I also had a few images that I had taken as we’d recently moved into our new flat. We have a lot of mirrors and reflections which dart across the rooms, especially once the sun shines through various windows. These photographs emerged as a result of me noticing these reflections.

Keywords: Light / reflection / shapes
Lastly, I had a collection of images that I must have taken on a journey. I’ve always found travelling an interesting aspect. What I find especially intriguing is that when you’re travelling you’re never where you want to be, you’re always trying to get from one place to another. Maybe this is why people are so impatient when it comes to travel? My point being, when people travel, they often carry out this task without much thought, with their mind dwelling on other things in life. And it seems as though I took these pictures in that exact state of mind too.

Keywords: Travel / transport / location / journey