Isolation Tapes

  • Jordan Warren

Isolation Tapes is my final major project for my BA (Hons) in Graphic Design. Inspired by the bands and artists performing via live streams at the start of lockdown, I wanted to create a record label that gathered musicians from around the world and showcased the music they continued to make whilst staying in isolation. The cassettes, complete with fold out inserts featuring artist interviews, would act as a document of the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. Because this was a live brief, working with real people and making real products, I wanted to create an event for each release that people could virtually come together and enjoy. To achieve this, I created videos that would premier live on YouTube at 12 noon, on the first four Mondays of June. Before any of the tapes were released, I made a short promo film which featured some of the music in the project and was divided into four sections that represent each cassette. All cassettes were made by hand using what provisions I had at home during lockdown. The cassettes were sold through including a free digital download of the tapes, including PDFs of the inserts. All money made from ISO-2 QUARANTINE was donated to BLM UK.