It Doesn't Matter How You Count

  • Josh Sams

The Challenge Greenpeace asked us to lead on creating a campaign with strategy, brand platform + messaging, and creative rollout for one of their biggest moments this year - The Big Plastic Count. The aim is to inspire the UK to record their actual weekly plastic usage to lobby the government with stats that genuinely progressive plastic policy. Approach With a very tight timeframe, we mobilised our team to collaboratively align a series of brand platforms, campaign options with delivery rollout. After successfully narrowing down a concept we developed branding, messaging and full production of 3 x social first campaigns shot over 3 days. The Outcome Successfully this was our most sustainable, diverse and inclusive film production yet. Aligned with Ad Green we produced a Carbon Negative shoot, whilst working with inclusive cast and talent agent.


  • Greenpeace UK logo

    Greenpeace UK

    • Non Creative Industries
  • Enviral logo


    • Marketing & PR
