'Jog On' Adidas Originals x The Gryphon

  • Claire McQue
We independently pitched, researched and planned this shoot.
Shot for The Gryphon's Fashion Section, in collaboration with Adidas Originals.
Stylists: Claire McQue and Tiffany Grous
Copy: Claire McQue
Published: October 2015 in The Gryphon, University of Leeds' Student Newspaper
'Jog On' Adidas Originals x The Gryphon by Claire McQue
'Jog On' Adidas Originals x The Gryphon by Claire McQue
'Jog On' Adidas Originals x The Gryphon by Claire McQue

Project Tags


  • T

    The Gryphon, University of Leeds Newspaper

    Claire McQue
    Travel Writer and Journalist, founder of lines zine