Kiss TV Idents

  • Mainframe .

Mainframe were recently invited by Box Plus Network to create a series of idents for their music channel Kiss TV. With Kiss being at the forefront of Music TV in the U.K. the brief for the idents was to create something innovative, visually stunning and different to anything else on UK TV screens. We pushed the boundaries in terms of look and feel with these idents. Spending large amounts of time doing research and development, particularly in new forms of procedural animation, gave us tools we needed to create something truly original. The Box Plus team were particularly supportive of this experimental way of working and hopefully the results are worth the effort everyone put into the project. There are four main strands that pay homage to the synergy between fashion and music, each intertwined with a distinctive party mood: bling, club, pop and urban that also reflect the range of the channel’s music policy.

Mainframe .
A London and Manchester based creative production studio