M'A See-Through Issue 1 - LFW 2020

  • Renuka Ramanujam
  • James Williamson
  • Kobi Essah Ayensuo

"SEE THROUGH is a community at practice. At M'A we are constantly shaped and lifted by the people who surround us: artists, makers, industry professionals, journalists, models. We think this side is too often overlooked in fashion. We love people. On SEE-THROUGH Issue 1 we put together side by side members of the M'A community that have been inspiring us since the early days. To the question "Who are you and what is important to you right now" our contributors answered with creative pieces and portraits that are put in dialogue on the pages of this publication. They look at each others' vulnerabilities and strengths, making visible the politics of care we cherish at M'A."

Around August, Abena and I met up to talk about life. We covered all our experiences in lockdown, shared some personal stories, listened to what we didn’t know and it was so nourishing to be seen, heard and understood. The night finished under a beautiful pink sunset. This fashion week, instead of a new collection, Marques Almeida asked some of the MA Family to talk about what was important to them during this pandemic. It was so natural to go back to that day, and even more fitting to work together as we had met at the hands of Paulo and Marta. During so much of the conversation we had we wondered if we could share the sentiment or capture it in some way and this zine was the perfect vehicle at the perfect time.

The result is a snippet of conversations Abena and I had spanning race, gender and creativity - as well as her beautiful poem that shares some of the struggles that are felt and faced by the black community.

Photography: By Abena and Renuka
Poetry: By Abena
Prints: By Renuka
Page Layout & Design: By Abena and Renuka

For the full zine full of amazing contributors visit the following link: https://www.marquesalmeida.com/blogs/news/see-through-issue-1