Marc Tacchi What is CSS and what is it for

  • Marc Tacchi

CSS is a code that works together with HTML and is used to modify everything related to style, that is, colors, fonts, sizes, etc.

Marc Tacchi For example, by means of a CSS rule I can redefine the style of all the h1 tags (titles 1 of my website) so that from now on they have a size of 36 pixels, black color and Open Sans font.

With CSS you can also make the elements of your template that you want to remove disappear by entering a simple line of code. You will see it in this post a little later.

Also with CSS you can completely customize the responsive behavior of your template, that is, make it look how you want on each device.

Marc Tacchi What is HTML and what is it for?

Broadly speaking, we can say that HTML is a code that is used to create the basic structure of a website, header, content, footer, sidebars, etc. It works through predefined tags to which you can modify their styles using CSS.

Therefore, it could be said that the CSS code is used to modify and customize the HTML.

Learning HTML and CSS is not difficult, with a little practice and using logic you will be able to convert a basic template into a professional website, even though your template does not include many customization options.

Pay close attention to the initial explanation in which I am going to teach you how to select the elements of your website and then be able to modify them in your stylesheet.