• Sam Beeson
  • Latifu Laoye
  • Sinah Bruckner

Have you ever had a favourite piece of gear you've had to retire because it's seen better days? We all have. LSB STUDIOS ltd were gassed to have been brought on board to shoot the stills � by Sliced Studio for R/GA & their client Nike on their MOVE TO ZERO #community campaign. They're encouraging members to give their old gear the comeback it deserves. Instead of tossing it out, let's find ways to repurpose, reuse, and recycle.♻️ Let's step towards a more #sustainable #future, one piece of gear at a time.

The project's primary objective was to rally Nike members to give their old gear the comeback it deserves. To achieve this, we needed to capture the essence of the campaign and create something that would resonate with Nike's target audience.