My Cookie Dough

  • Maria Florencia Carrera

My Cookie Dough's core mission is to spread happiness, and do it in a way that is ethically good and sustainable to the world. Their aim is to put a smile on everyone's face which they believe is something extremely special in itself. Their bottom-line is measured in how many people they can make smile, and that’s something everyone working at MyCookieDough takes very seriously! With a top secret recipe and a one of a kind baking method, their cookie is freshly baked, with a soft gooey delightful consistency. Their cookie dough is baked with endless joy, so that your day can be just a bit better. Currently, MyCookieDough has many successful franchises all around the world, including the UK (Cardiff, London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham), Malta, Malaysia and Qatar.

My Cookie Dough by Maria Florencia Carrera
My Cookie Dough by Maria Florencia Carrera
My Cookie Dough by Maria Florencia Carrera
My Cookie Dough by Maria Florencia Carrera
My Cookie Dough by Maria Florencia Carrera
Maria Florencia Carrera
Graphic Designer