My Face

  • Crispian Rodger

This project was a real creative challenge. During my last year of University, my class were challenged by the creative studio WeGlimpse, to design a project titles “A note for my future self”. In short we were asked to create a message for our future selfs in 40 years and remind them of our current values towards environmentalism. The concern is that, in 40 years time, when we are successful, that we would throw our environmental concerns aside in the pursuit of money. My response to this challenge was to create a template of my current personality. I wanted my future self to experience a strong feeling of nostalgia and remember what to was like to be me 40 years prior. And so I designed and screen printed this poster to be a template for an interactive infographic for who I am. Through the years I will write down my memories and favourite moments, concerns, worries for the future, as well as habits and hopes. The poster will evolve as time goes by and my future self will remember what it was like to be me. This image you can see here is the poster before I have adapted or written on It.

Project Tags


  • O

    Oxford Brookes University
