Natural Patterns

  • Andrea Mancarella
Every now and then I basically get stuck on inspiration and ideas. Nothing really seems to work, I lose confidence and start slowing down.
A year ago I started applying some experimental design methods to overcome this 'blocks'. The basic rule is: having a look at something with a new or totally different point of view. Even and especially if it seems stupid.

I firslty encountered this idea a while back thanks to Scott Robertson's experimental design exercises. I kind of stored that notion more than two years ago, and recently started applying it as a refreshing pattern. Thanks Scott!

This time I wanted to focus on nature and lanscapes. I always been attracted both to aerial and space photography. It is really an amazing way to get lost between the micro and the macro. Really feels like digging into the law of physics and space and time.

Looking at environments this way, you start dazing yourself in the beauty of patterns. How abstract shapes, color and especially lighting, can totally change the look and impression of a place. Controlling and seeing through CGI how much a site can differently stimulate your brain and feelings, is truly an amazing experience.