Nightshade - BrandOpus Hatch Brief First Submission

  • Tyler Andrews

Brief: Create a UK cider brand that can give cider a new lease of life. Concept: Create a party themed cider brand, a socially accepted fruity cider that both genders can enjoy drinking either on a night out or even in a pub environment. Solution: I created a brand called, ‘Nightshade’. An expressive, energetic brand with a mission of disrupting the way the modern audience views cider. This was my first submission I gave to BrandOpus for there Hatch brief project which ultimately got me shortlisted to the final 15 students of the competition. Want to find out more? Get in touch.

This is my pub cider range, with a larger label and a different design to my nightckub bottles, complimenting the traditional pub designs of other cider bottles.
This is my nightclub cider range, with a smaller label that also includes a different design. This design is a lot more energetic and exciting like the atmosphere like a nightclub.
Here is the last touch point I made a prototype for. This is all of the 6 flavours from our nightclub range in a pack ready for the shelves on different retail stores.
Here are different signs to get the brand across and noticed for the modern audience.

Mock-up on Freepik.
Decided to do a nightclub queue sign with its aim to spread awareness of my brand and get its intentionsout to the public eye.

Mock-up on Freepik.
Here is a big hint to see where my thought process came from to include this pink monster within my brand. Want to find out why? Send me an email.

Both of these last two mock-ups are on Freepik.