As Learning at Work Week comes to a close, we’re looking back on the activities, workshops and roundtable discussions hosted by our talented staff and friends of The Mill. At the event, Head of Culture and Studio Operations, Lauren Parmar, comments: “As we emerge from the pandemic and embrace more progressive and flexible ways of working, we aim to create an environment for everyone to participate in our creative community. Whether that be from the comfort of their own home or at one of our welcoming studios, learning at Work Week has been the perfect example of this, and it’s been great to get together in person to inspire each other whilst still creating an equitable experience for those dialling in from home. ”There is a restless spirit of innovation that lives at the heart of The Mill, which is infectious. As a team, we must continue to come together to challenge each other, share our skills and ideas, celebrate our successes and learn from those who are forging new paths to inspire the next generation of creative talent.”