• david ian bickley

An immersive audio visual project that journeys from the human sphere of atmospheric time into the alien microcosmic world of a living pool.

Delighted to be part of this exhibition during COP28

on the film program #ArtSpeaksOut on the ikonoTV platform until the end of December.

Inspired and based upon Dr. Jack Greenhalgh's Phd work — using hydroponics to study, non intrusively, the ecological health of small, but vital bodies of water.
This filmic journey is set against an audio tapestry collected from the aquatic environment using hydro-phonic equipment. This sound, digitally processed into the realms of musicality, describes the strata of the internal world of a small body of fresh water teeming with life. As we travel downwards each context layer is amplified both visually and audibly through the use of layered fragments that drift across our perception — redolent with drama and trepidation .
Produced by David Ian Bickley and Dr. Jack Greenhalgh Words & Voice Shin Yu Pai Photographed & Edited by David Ian Bickley Assistant, Gabriel O'Sullivan Bickley Original recordings, Jack Greenhalgh Audio processing, David Ian Bickley Pond, courtesy of The Hollies Centre for Sustainability, Enniskeane, Co. Cork, Ireland.