• Piotr Rulka

Phantom is an editorial commenting on the idealised image of women produced by advertising. Advertisers use artificially idealised and objectified images of human bodies to evoke desires that are subconsciously associated with the products of consumption. However, through the process of the constant reshaping of the human body, its representation stops aligning with reality. Our bodies no longer match the beauty ideals presented on billboards or posters. Therefore, the idols of advertising are merely idealised mannequins of consumption, which trick us into believing that what we see is real.


  1. illusion, unreality; vanity; vain imagination; delusion, deception, falsity.
  2. something that appears to the sight or other sense, but has no material substance; an apparition, a spectre; a spirit, a ghost.
  3. a mental illusion; an image which appears in a dream, or which is formed or cherished in the mind; also, the thought or apprehension of anything that haunts the imagination.

Phantom is an editorial commenting on the idealised image of women produced by advertising. Advertisers use artificially idealised and objectifiedimages of human bodies to evoke desires that are subconsciously associated with the products of consumption. However, through the process of the constant reshaping of the human body, its representation stops aligning with reality. Our bodies no longer match the beauty ideals presented on the billboards or posters. Therefore, the idols of advertising
are merely idealised mannequins of consumption, which trick us into believing that what we see is real.