Photography - The Bank Remembers: 100 Years On, 1914-2018

  • Emma Youell

The Bank Remembers: 100 Years On, 1914-2018. To mark the centenary of the First World War, the Bank reflected on those who lost those who had lost their lives and the impact of the First and Second World Wars on staff. This short history looks back at how the Bank commemorated the centenary of the First World War during 2014-2018, which included a Remembrance service held for staff, and a museum exhibition. It also explores the stories of staff who left the Bank to serve on the Front Line, and the impact this had on the workforce which remained and the Bank’s operations. Details within this short history about the erection of a memorial statue, a memorial service held at Southwark Cathedral, and the endowment of a hospital bed at Guy’s Hospital tell the important story of how the Bank came together in 1919 to remember their colleagues who never returned from war. Available in a limited print run and also PDF download. Role: Photographer, featured photos on 4 pages:

Project Tags


  • B

    Bank of England
