• Jonathan Taylor

This image from a photography feature on Thailand’s Police Midwife Unit, specially created to assist women giving birth as they are caught in Bangkok’s notorious traffic jams. While Jonathan Taylor was sceptical about taking on the assignment at first, he was worried he wouldn’t get a birth, he was with the unit only two hours when the women featured in the photographs needed help. When Jonathan and the two man police team arrived the birth was well on its way. The mother to be was sitting in a Bangkok taxi, her husband was in the front seat looking worried but of no help. Then the unit got to work. A safe delivery with little fuss. The mother and child were safe. And both parents delighted as the finally reached the hospital. Both parents were very happy to have a photographer document the joyous, if not unusual event.

POLICE MIDWIVES by Jonathan Taylor


  • S

    South China Morning Post

    • T

      Tate Britain

      • T

        The Scotsman


        Jonathan Taylor