Side Hustle/ Graphic Design

Project "IAM FINE"

  • Long Dang

Project "IAM FINE" is a project about mental health and mental suffering. Many people around us are suffering mental problem in silence because of prejudice and other people opinions, especially the millennial generation or snowflake generation as some people call. People disguise their pain and suffering behind a masked call "IAM FINE", A most familiar answer and lie. I, myself, is facing the same problem. That is why I want to create this project so people can join in to raise awareness about the problem of mental health before it is too late.

Please take this idea and express it your way so people notice that there are people around them screaming for help in silence. #ProjectIAMFINE when upload and your project so I can see it.
Looking for collaborators!

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  • Artworker
  • Artist