#ProtestByDesign - The World's Largest Database of Protest Posters!

  • Clara Finnigan
  • Alex Kazem Malaki
  • Ben Mottershead
  • Charlotte Simpson

Help us create the largest ever database of climate protest posters!

The courageous young people of UKSCN & Fridays For Future are asking us adults to join them and get a million people on the street. So, we need to spread the word and we’re making an open call out to our creative community to help! To find out more about the cause visit UKSCN.ORG

Good for nothing, put out an open brief to the industry aimed at helping UKSCN in their endeavours. At Glug we responded with the concept to develop the world largest open-access database of protest posters. We're asking our community to create an A3 poster, in any medium, with any relevant message so that anybody creative, or not can access the designs and use them for the greater good.

To submit your design all you need to do is:
1. Share your poster on social channels using #protestbydesign #climatestrike
2. Tag @UKSCN & @Glugevents
3. Label your poster using the naming convention: FirstName_LastName_Country
4. Email your poster to submissions@glugevents.com and we'll upload it to the database for anyone, anywhere to download, print and use.

We encourage the use of meme-like content, slapstick imagery, comedy, banter, stupid phrasing, and downright light-hearted mockery if needed. Get your tag lines out, put your lighters in the air (but don't turn them on) and show the world what you've got.

You can check out the current database of entries here
(Artist names are in the file names)

While these Climate Strikes won’t solve the crisis alone, this moment can demonstrate that people are no longer willing to continue with business as usual.

Let's change the world together!

Love, The Glug Team x

P.S The Glug team will be striking in London on the 20th at Trafalagar Square, drop us a message on Instagram if you want to link up x