Re-Edify for Flanelle

  • Keerthana Kunnath

Here to expressing, reflecting, and experimenting with gender and sexual identity. It is the construction and deconstruction of identity and beauty. Re-edify acts as a catalyst between binary and non-binary thinking. Let’s question the feminity and masculinity defined by the social system or those established by cultural beliefs. Between the poles of femininity & masculinity lies a vast spectrum of identities. Re-edify provides a glimpse into the subtle, yet important ways in which people express their identity, evading the binary system of feminine and masculine that society attaches to so many of these gestures. The way the body is portrayed opens up wider possibilities of looking at fashion photography. The personality of an individual can be portrayed by the way they choose to put together for the audience. Fashion can be the illusion by which they choose to express it. The eccentricity and queerness need to be celebrated giving importance to the function and message of the image. Body, fashion, and art have the possibility to converge as one in an artisanal way.