Realign, Realign

  • Sulaiman R. Khan [he/him/his/Disabled]

Community update

The recent passing of the witty, wordsmith warrior Toni Morrison a couple months ago has us thinking about the power of language and actions have in empowering marginalised communities. And we love this quote about personal success needing meaningfulness, and a commitment to social justice from Toni. • We always like to keep things candid, transparent, and real: We know we have been off the radar for a long time. The last several months have been overwhelming and devastating for our Founder and Chief Purpose Officer, Sulaiman (that he’s still dealing with), both personally and professionally. But he’s okay and keeps pushing forward while continuing to lead us to enable disabled creatives to thrive not merely survive. And just because you don’t see us making “noise” about everything we do, it doesn’t mean we are doing nothing. We prefer quietly getting on with things, and it’s not about getting credit for us rather passing the mic (and making space and sharing ours), as a disability-led organisation meaningfulness and social justice have always been at our core. In particular, disability justice is who we are as disabled people; we have to be activists and advocates from the get-go. That’s why we’re in business to ignite, empower, and amplify #disabled #creatives across the world. We’re changing the culture to make equity the default. We’re destabilising the accepted narratives of creativity and disability. • But being a disability-led organisation is extremely difficult. There’s practically no support for disabled #entrepreneurs or disability-led organisations who have profit with purpose as a structure within our business, as well as a huge lack of allies for us. Ableism, “internalised ableism” and imposter syndrome on top of everything else makes trying to run our business tougher, especially for Sulaiman. Regardless, onwards we go because disabled creatives are always at our heart and we will always champion them. • Also, despite this, we’re working on lots of exciting new projects with new clients we’re excited to share soon. Watch this space. • #ThisAbility #disability #creativity #equity #BeBoldBeWildBeFearless #Community #WeThriveTogether #gratitude #truth

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Black and white screenshot of a quote from the Notes app that reads: “Please don't settle for happiness. It's not good enough. Of course, you deserve it, but if that's all you have in mind - happiness - I want to suggest to you that personal success devoid of meaningfulness, free of a steady commitment to social justice - that's more than a barren life. It's a trivial one.” ~ Toni Morrison.]

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