Refuse to Re-skill!

  • Ivy Watts

Interactive web design. Below is an interactive web page I coded that enables users to create their own poster by dragging and arranging digital stickers. This piece was part of a project called 'Refuse to Reskill' and was done in response to comments made by the UK government regarding how creative people need to 'reskill' in light of the pandemic. This project was heavily reliant on analogue design approaches as the tools I had access to were limited during this time. I was heavily influenced by the 'DIY' punk mindset of the 80's for this reason. Posters, badges and garments were also developed during this project to communicate how 'art' can be seen as an act of rebellion in 2021. The site can be accessed at:

A jacket I up-cycled to communicate my project’s message in a way that’s reminiscent of 80’s anarchist-punk ‘DIY’ fashion.