Seven Days and Seven Colours

  • Andrew Locke

A work examining my own relationship to electronic music composition and culture. A journey from isolation into social inclusion, finding ones true self amongst others on the dance floor, and subsequent findings and outcomes with mental health. The first proper composition I made is brought to a later time, where I am using the final work I have composed to set the scene of intensity of a rave that, I hope to describe visually. These are the parameters for an implied dialogue about a life journey through mental illness, and also the desire to make experience into art, and describe translocation from the dance floor to a setting quite removed from the heights and connections to powerful all-sensory experiences. Some references are made to 90s electronic dance music culture, that form a dreamy backdrop to a future once predicted in science fiction. This edit is designed as a part to a greater project also involving ideas in science fiction, and I am very interested in exploring perspectives from different lifetimes, and contextualising a world we exist within to the imaginations of science fiction writers, specifically my late father. Some aspects of how pre composed material works with more recent footage, remain a mystery to me, and this is partially the basis of experimenting with combining moving image and sound. I have made spaces in the dance floor to be my very own, and in the same way I am making a film about such times to be my very own.