
  • Kanndiss Riley

She believed she could so she did


Sheisclothed provided knowledge, transferable skills, and a safe space for young people. Our team works together to create events, programmes and deliver guidance sessions to mentor each young person on their personal development!

The team purpose was diven to give information to young people on a wide range of topics to inspire creativity and build on their transferable skills such as how to write a CV or overcoming peer pressure. We endeavour to educate young people through answering their concerns with information carefully selected to ensure we are also providing pastoral care and safeguarding!

We wanted young people to feel represented in their community and secure. Through our workshops and guidance sessions, we use creative ways to develop their ideas to be resourceful to their communities as well as being able to monetarily look after themselves.

Although no longer in operation the team still believe that through education we can help people embrace their potential and have a better outlook on life.

IG: @sheisclothed_ T: @sheiclothed_
Sheisclothed by Kanndiss Riley
Kanndiss Riley
Project Manager