Social Mapping of Adverse Socio-educative Contexts

  • Alf Ramírez
This research aimed to identify the implications of education present in the family history of three students from an NGO school in order to answer the question: Why would these families rather send their kids to an institution away from their own territorial context?
Several members of each family participated in the research. Teachers and administrative personnel were also interviewed in order to determine their perception of the role the school has on the lives of these three children.
Each of the social maps highlights the defining moments in the family life of one of the three students. They show chronologically the motivation or cause of moving to a different place or switching schools as well as the institutions or support networks that influenced on their decisions.
1. Urban abandonment, the lack of attention or guarantees from public institutions motivated families to move to an institution that, somehow, does.
2. All the families needed some social capital o support network in order to access education in the NGO school.
The absence of public services and/or social assistance or even a social capital can be interpreted as a negation of civil freedoms and thus a reduction in the capacity of social and political participation of the family (Sen, 2000; Wacquant, 2014).
3. Moving to an institution that is located away from their own territorial context meant the constitution of a new territory based in the senses and significations created from it.
This research laid the foundations for the next project, Brújulas, and became part of a wider publication on social mapping that can be found here.


  • U

    Universidad Casa Grande
