The Laws of Simplicity

  • Riccardo Carrara
John Maeda (a professor in MIT's Media Lab and a world-renowned graphic designer) in The Laws of Simplicity, offers ten laws for balancing simplicity and complexity in business, technology, and design, guidelines for needing less and actually getting more.
Here is proposed a brochure for everyone, where the ten laws of simplicity are resumed in ten posters. The ten laws are divided by colours, according to their difficulty level: the first three are the simplest, green is their colour; from 4 to 6 there is a middle-difficulty level, yellow goes with them; the final ones are the hardest and the chosen colour for them is red. The tenth and final law is "The One", and it has no colour.
Every law has its own illustration made by playing just with the letters.
The Laws of Simplicity by Riccardo Carrara
The Laws of Simplicity by Riccardo Carrara
The Laws of Simplicity by Riccardo Carrara
The Laws of Simplicity by Riccardo Carrara
The Laws of Simplicity by Riccardo Carrara
The Laws of Simplicity by Riccardo Carrara
The Laws of Simplicity by Riccardo Carrara
Riccardo Carrara
Communication Designer