The Truth is...... Anyone can read the Guardian

  • Channell Lewis

For the Guardian's Workshop Day, we worked on a live brief in which we had to put together a Marketing Campaign to drive more customers to become members of this national newspaper. Now initially, the team members in my group thought that the Guardian Newspaper were for older people and professionals, however during the course of the day, we had realised this was simply not the case and that Guardian stood for more than previously perceived. And so we used this perception as a foundation for our Marketing Campaign by flipping it around and tricking the audience. As you can see below, a little girl can be seen reading the Guardian Newspaper on the bus stop poster whereby, people would expect a older man to be reading the Newspaper. And next, you have a older man in the form of a 'Gran- Dad' using the Social App whereby, people would be expecting a young person to be using the app. And last but least in a humorous presentation, a dad with a Newspaper in hand and the daughter reading the Newspaper sitting down on the toilet and stepper respectively. This campaign is going to have a out- of- home advertisement (posters), be extended into a T.V. advertisement and Social Media presentation. And quite clearing, what we had wanted to convey to the audience is that "Anyone can read the Guardian" thereby breaking apart barriers which means the Guardian is for everyone and hence our tag- line is "The Truth is. Anyone can read The Guardian'"