To Have And to Hold

  • Sinéad Molloy

This February, I launched a campaign to spread a little love on Valentines day, in celebration of CoppaFeel!’s tenth year of boob-business (and the awesome people who got us there). With a tiny budget of £350 and three volunteers armed with great handwriting and hundreds of heart-shaped stickers, I conceived of, designed and delivered a Valentines mail-out to 500 friends and followers. From the copy to the illustrations, the cards were my personal labour of love, shared on social more than 200 times, featured in Campaign’s Valentines round-up and broadcast to commuters across the nation by an outdoor advertising agency who liked the idea so much, they offered up their billboards for free. There’s a lot of joy in reminding people to feel themselves, but even more in finding out that because of your cards, someone has copped a feel, noticed a lump and promptly made an appointment with their GP. The woman in question has just had surgery to have her (benign) tumour removed, and is preaching the boob-checking gospel on social media, in a bid to help others like her. If that’s not enough to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, I’m not sure what is.