We Can't Consent to This

  • Charlotte Barnard

I have recently collaborated with the women's rights campaign We Can't Consent to This to design merchandise which have now gone on sale! You can buy the below merchandise here: https://wecantconsenttothis.teemill.com/ We Can't Consent to This is a response to women that are killed/injured in violence that is claimed to be consensual. It was an honour to work with an inspiring team that is making a positive change. My designs were inspired by a recent tweet of their article that was taken out of context and went viral. Trolls were calling the author "vanilla", "neo-prude" and "frigid". After discussing with Fiona, the head of the campaign, she explained that despite these being misconceptions the movement were proud to be these terms because if being "vanilla" results in less deaths of women then that can only be a good thing. I was also involved in a rebrand which included designing logos that would be appropriate for briefing packs for parliament, MP's and journalists.