When the Dust Settles

  • Aeryn Watkinson

It can be difficult to accept a reality where everything changes so rapidly and consistently, where we can get so overwhelmed in the changes of life that once it all stops for a moment, we take a breath and realise that nothing has really changed at all. Well, of course, when looking at the big picture everything is different but when you look closer, there is always a constant to find comfort in. It doesn't have to be something big, but it is always there. When the Dust Settles is a project that explores the continuity of mundane tasks through the ups and downs of life. While life is endlessly evolving and changing, what is the constant? How do we manage to keep going while things fall apart and what does it look like to heal again? There are so many questions around the evolution of our relationships and how they change after a loss but what interests me more is to observe what stays the same.

For me, my constant is my sister and mother. They keep me grounded every time the Earth begins to shift again. Whether it's their laughter over the washing up bowl or the occasional arguing from opposite ends of the staircase, the relationships left within the household remain solid. When the Dust Settles is an ode to those relationships and an ode to finding comfort where it seems near impossible.
It can be a difficult when you assume that everything that remains after a loss will continue to remain.
Sometimes it will.
Other times it will not.
The messages just checking in will fade away an eventually, when the dust settles, you will be left with the mundane.
The washing up, the laundry and the dog walks.
But within these moments you can, again, find the sanctity in the relationships that surround you.