
  • Jack Jenkins

In today’s society, pop-up adverts appear to follow and track us over all areas of the web; with the most targeted activity occurring on social media. ‘Windows’ is a virtual reality experience that enables an individual to question how content is being mediated, moderated and controlled through social media platforms and channels. Similarly to our daily online experiences, users of ‘Windows’ will receive a calm welcome to the hillside environment, only to be overwhelmed by a significant influx of pop-up adverts; mirroring experiences endured by individuals who are attempting to navigate the web. The deluge of stress induced by ‘Windows’ causes the user to hastily attempt to close down the pop-ups and eventually exit the experience entirely. Just like advertisers target 18-24 year-olds, this project aims to address how this age bracket is being influenced by targeted advertising through social media platforms.

You are able to interact with the pop up adverts by using the touch controllers to push them away.