Writing Material

  • Maddalena Ciani

I have always used my writings as an excuse for all my mistakes; I always say to myself that one day I will sit and write it all down. I tell myself I need to do messed up things because, well... it’s more interesting that way; because who would actually care about a life that is perfect and a linear plot? But the truth is, all my mistakes, all of my bad decisions, they weren’t for art’s sake but because I make mistakes. Stupid decisions, half of the times I don’t even know what I am doing or where I'm going I prefer to see these mistakes as “writing material”, instead of just something bad. That’s probably just the justification I need because otherwise I’d feel even more guilty about some of the stuff I do. So yeah, that’s basically what I try to do. That’s how I tend to see my life: messed up, but a good source of writing material.