Xbox Launch

  • Baly Gaudin

A collaboration between Storybox, Streamliner and HQ Productions for Xbox Australia & NZ, we were tasked with executing a high-concept launch for the Xbox Series X console in Queenstown while half the world was stuck in lockdown. For one evening, a mysterious and otherworldly shape loomed large over the still waters of Lake Wakatipu. As the sun set, the new console was revealed in an illuminating display of phosphorescent lights and projections. Queenstown was transformed into ‘Greenstown’, as the iconic Xbox colour covered the town in a hazy hue of green. Storybox created projection mapping content and short animated videos which were projected onto the giant Series X console floating above the lake. The result was a conceptual exhibition of future-minded optics, worthy of the ever inventive Xbox brand. Streamed live in conjunction with other events around the world, the launch was viewed by over 60,000 people.