
  • Matthew Hammond

To combat a noticeable gap in-home intercom system. Zling aims to bring innovative technology and 'AI' to the left behind intercom market. This project has pushed me so far outside of my comfort zone and skill set. Requiring new skills and technologies such as C++ for embedded devices, machine learning, custom hardware using edge TPU's, 3D printing, and so much more. My current accomplishments include: - Creating a working Prototype that has a two-way communication from the React JS frontend to the C++ device using Amazon IoT - Successfully streamed audio and video from the device to the front end - Developed an open API to control the device from the frontend using Lambda functions, Dynamo DB, GraphQL & IoT Core - Implemented the first iteration of the on-device ML, which successfully detects number plates from the live camera feed using OpenCV, intending to integrate tensor models such as Yolo V4 to take advantage of the integrated TPU - React frontend to allow easy management of business logic across several platforms - Used docker to standardise Linux platform for development and production