Ellis McKenzie

Ellis McKenzie

CreativeUnited Kingdom
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Chiara Xie
Maxime Rommes
Pip Jamieson
Ellis McKenzie

Ellis McKenzie

CreativeUnited Kingdom
About me
One half of creative duo Jellis → wearejellis.com. D&AD New Blood Awards Winner 2022.
  • GiveCrap
    GiveCrapGiveCrap | 2022 D&AD New Blood Winner - Graphite Pencil | giffaff There's 55 million old phones idly sitting at the backs of drawers in homes around the UK. It's our mission to get people to get off their bums and donate them. But there's a catch: we can only use OOH advertising. And one final thing: we need to show how, as a brand, giffgaff gives back. Our solution was something the judging panel were definitely not expecting... Art Director: Ellis McKenzie Copywriter: Jezebel Carr Tutor
  • Fando's
    Fando'sEntry for the Aspiring Creative Star 2022 for The Marketing Society. --- BRIEF Enable people to feel comfortable to talk openly about periods – principally 16-20 year olds of all genders in Scotland. Men are a vital audience. Interestingly, they have never been brought into the conversation about periods, but that hasn’t stopped them having something to say. INSIGHTS • 70% of Gen Z list Nando’s as one of their favourite restaurants. • Under 21s are usually not welcomed into restaurants and i
  • Prevent WW3
    Prevent WW3A project undertaken and completed in 4 hours... The brief? Prevent WW3. PROBLEM Most Russians don’t even know about the war and the gravity of the problem, because of the Russian propaganda machine in mass media. How can we provide them with the unfiltered truth? INSIGHT Whatsapp is one of the most used apps in Russia, with nearly 77 million users. SOLUTION Utilise Whatsapp’s default settings to inform the Russian people about the gravity of the war in the Ukraine. The default background
  • #LetMePlay
    #LetMePlayCan't play? We'll take it away... PROBLEM: Kids aged 5-11 are not getting enough exercise. INSIGHT: Kids prefer staying inside on tablets rather than playing outside. SOLUTION: In response, we cordon off playgrounds as part of a negative deprivation study and record the reaction. --- Trimester 1 project for MSc Creative Advertising at Edinburgh Napier University. Partner: Robbie Tighe Tutors: Andy Archer & George Shepherd
  • Mouldy burgers and mysterious chicken breasts
    Mouldy burgers and mysterious chicken breastsMy piece for The Leith Agency on why being the underdog can sometimes work in your favour... https://leith.co.uk/blog-post/mouldy-burgers-and-mysterious-chicken-breasts Original article below.
  • Glen's Vodka: Love Island Bingo
    Glen's Vodka: Love Island BingoHow do you mark the most momentous televised occasion of the year? With a Love Island themed bingo, of course.
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Projects credited in
  • Hot New R&B
    Hot New R&BThe first edition of my monthly R&B column for The 405, which ran on the website for a year, featuring illustrations by Ellis McKenzie.
  • What the Fudge
    What the FudgeFor my fourth year major journalism project, I developed my own website entitled What the Fudge - a satirical popular culture website focusing on the worlds of music, fashion, film & TV and arts & culture - which I first had to pitch to my module leader and have approved. For this, I had to source and write daily new stories, features, reviews and produce multimedia content suitable for the style of the website. I also had to create my own social media pages and develop a following online. I cho
Work history
    CreativeDark Horses
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    Amazon Prime Video Sport 🎅🏼🎄 Barclays Women's Super League ⚽️ Nissan Formula E Racing Team 🏎️⚡️
    D&AD New Blood logo
    D&AD New Blood logo
    D&AD New Blood Academy - Class of '22D&AD New Blood
     - London, United KingdomPart Time
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  • Design
  • Visual Communication
  • Html/css
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Advertising
  • Wireframing
  • Photoshop
  • Digital Design
  • Brand Development
  • Branding
    MSc Creative AdvertisingEdinburgh Napier University
    Edinburgh, United Kingdom
    Visual Communication DesignGrays School of Art
     - Aberdeen, United Kingdom
    BA (Hons)
    Google logo
    Google logo
    DoubleClick Core Certification HTML 5Google
    Studio Certification Program https://getstudiocert.appspot.com/studiocert/corehtml5
    Google logo
    Google logo
    Dynamic Creative CertifcationGoogle
    DoubleClick Studio Certification Program
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