I'm looking for a JR creative copywriter to team up with. So, please drop me a message!


  • Hi Nanda,
    This sounds great! I'm a Creative Writing graduate who is looking for their first job. Drop me a message at: edunthorneg08@gmail.com

    Thank you :)
  • Hi, this sounds awesome! I'd love to team up. Drop me a message at laura.stephenson9797@gmail.com
    Thanks :)
  • Hi Nanda, I write across a variety of areas. It would be great to hear more about what you are looking for with this project. kayleighwatson.co is my site and you can contact on kayleigh.anne.w@hotmail.com
  • Hi Nanda! Would love to chat. Clients from skincare lines to bikini companies to sustainable visionaries. Give me a shout via my website: katherinecguerrero.work or katherinecguerrero@gmail.com
  • Hi Nanda,

    I'd be interested in teaming up.

    Please see my work here - https://www.taliramsey.com/copywriting

    And email me here - tali_16@hotmail.co.uk

    Thanks :)
  • Hey Nanda, would love to know more about the project you have in mind and how we could potentially collaborate. Will connect and hope to chat soon.
  • Hey Nanda, I'm a copywriter and editor with six years' experience in the industry. What kind of project are you working on? I've just sent you a connection request so I can DM you. Speak soon, Athlyn
  • hmm, what do you have in mind? i have 5 years xp as a copywriter. Haven't done it in a while though...but let's see if we are a match. best, lexa

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