Antarctico (Part 2)

  • Euan Reith

The second part to my major project, following part 1. After presenting the artefacts from part 1 in a public exhibition, primary research had been gathered and the planning of my major project began to officially take form. Hereby presenting, Antarctico! The nations greatest endeavour. These works present a future government in the form of an Energy Manifesto, Government Research Document and a direct mail package. Written within the Energy Manifesto, the backstory to this future government is outlined along with their ingenious plans to secure the nations future energy complications by campaigning to industrialise and extract the last remaining oil deposits left in the world. The Antarctic. The art direction for this section was designed purposefully to confuse and distract the reader. As a critique on the lack of transparency in contemporary governments, this future government goes around this by presenting the information frankly but requires the people to read through an almost impenetrable facade. Swirling typography and dazzling rainbows will surely satisfy the money blinded citizens, as at the end of every rainbow is a pot of gold...

Antarctico (Part 2) by Euan Reith
Antarctico (Part 2) by Euan Reith
Antarctico (Part 2) by Euan Reith
Antarctico (Part 2) by Euan Reith
Euan Reith
Graphic Designer