Bio Tracker

  • Aleksandra Szymanska
A speculative platform that enables people to explore the future of democratised data ownership, where consumers, not pharmaceutical companies, are in charge of their health data.
Project background
In the near future, consumers could manage their health data through platforms like Bio Tracker to enable them to review which companies have access to their clinical records, and also select which information to exchange for brand partnerships and exclusive product rewards. From occasional users hoping for product discounts to sharing enthusiasts selling their data in exchange for universal basic income, the emergence of data tracking and trading services will give rise to completely new consumer behaviours.
The platform invites users to select from three different profiles, each representing a future consumer mindset. By interacting with the platform chatbot, users can find out the value of their data, choose whether trade it for commercial or charitable purposes and learn what benefits they could receive in return.
Explore here
Creative Director - Aleksandra Szymanska
Animator - Aleksandra Szymanska
Editorial Director - Tim Noakes
Design - Queenie Wong
Developers - Deeply Digital