Designing a game for Fondation Louis Vuitton

  • Sam Holyhead
The Fondation Louis Vuitton is a private initiative that promotes and supports contemporary artistic projects. They wished to raise awareness of their brand in a previously untapped age group. After the success of our previous project, a childrenʼs mini-game app titled ‘Archi Moiʼ, the Fondation wanted another game suitable for 11–18 year olds.
The result was a ‘one touch mechanicʼ game incorporating a musical theme, called ‘Lucky Vibesʼ.

Illustrating the background

I decided to set the game around the FLV building, given itʼs rather iconic appearance. A looping background was made, which could be re-dressed to give each level a unique feel.
To create this, I took 36 renders of a 3D architectural model of the building. Stitching these renders together gave us a background image that could loop seamlessly.
From this image the building was then illustrated in five layers to give a sense of depth and include a parallax effect as they scrolled. Each level was illustrated differently, giving us four in total; Summer, Winter, Late Night Party and Fashion Catwalk.

Illustrating the characters

We agreed that the game should feel light-hearted without appearing too juvenile, to appropriately appeal to our intended audience. To achieve the correct balance I created a range of options for main character.
Of these, we thought a brass instrument that sucked in musical notes to stay afloat (or the ‘Tuballoonʼ) struck the right chord. I put the character through a few evolutions to ensure it worked at a small scale, whilst not negatively affecting the gameplay mechanics.
The game also featured obstacles players should avoid. To keep inline with our audience, we chose to incorporate Emojis that would fit the theme of the level. I redrew the chosen Emojis, keeping them visually concurrent, whilst avoiding any potential licensing issues.

Download Lucky Vibes for iOS

Download Lucky Vibes for Android