
  • Karen O'Neill

A rebrand that has strengthened the position of one of the world's fastest in-memory data analytics platforms. The main focus was to help gain recognition, highlight the powerful product benefits, share expertise and become a trusted industry leader. The advantage of using this amazing database, is captured in the creative theme of empowerment. Leading the project from start to finish, I created a dynamic visual language by combining customer-focused imagery and benefit-driven tone of voice with an expressive graphic pattern that adds energetic richness across all brand touch points. The website architecture was restructured and user personas helped me to understand core needs. I created a clear and simple UI design that helps direct users to relevant content. The launch campaign, using the provocative statement ‘Recode the rules’ was at a global developer conference in Las Vegas. The new brand was rolled-out across an exhibition stand, merchandise, printed collateral and digital platforms.

Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Exasol by Karen O'Neill
Karen O'Neill
Senior Designer