Facing Black Event

  • Mya Hamidi- Jones
  • Hallie Primus

The yard theatre created a youth group called black excellence. A group of 17-21 years old who have made and organised an event at the yard theatre. Which in fact sold out! Our event named ‘Facing Black’ was created in response to the performance/ theatre show ‘SAMSKARA’, which uses dance, physical theatre, hip hop dance to explore its themes and stories. ‘SAMSKARA’ relates to the Cycles of generational black Fatherhood, and depicts the highs & lows in a dynamic manner. ‘Facing Black’ therefore was our post-show event which was produced by me and many Young, liked-minded individuals. We stimulated, yet also questioned some of the themes with guests ; achieved through the ambient atmosphere that we provided for the audience of the show.


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    The Yard Theatre
