Interview Preparation

  • Imogen Greensill

How to dress accordingly for interviews and how to prepare for interviews in general.

Whether youre applying for a job in construction or fashion, you still need to dress accordingly. Companies look out for a smart presentation so they know who they are employing. For a job at Topshop for example, I have put together an outfit (below) that wouldn't be accaptable for an interview - even though they are topshop items. The clothing does not coordinate well together and looks to casual for the role. Employers may see an individual wearing this and assume they have just stuck some comfy clothes on and not bothered making an effort. This may come across to employers that you have a 'can't be bothered' attitude and that would not be something that they would like to bring into the company.
Below is an ideal outfit choice for an interview at Topshop. You are using the brands products - which shows loyatly to the brand. As well as this, the clothes are smart and they go well together as an outfit. The accessories show you look for detail within your outfit which may show that you would care more for how you would dress and present yourself if you had the job.
Your clothes are not the only thing that employers look for. Your body language, the way you present yourself in general (clean hair, fresh scent, makeup style), the way you talk. These are all things that could make or break your interview so you have to be careful when preparing.
Along side this, you will have to research the company. Some key things you should know are:
The founder of the brand; When it was founded; What style does it have (i.e urban/designer/high street); How it varies from other brands; What inspires the brand.. etc.
You should also think about the questions you may get asked. These might include:
What are your availabilities?
Why did you chose this brand to apply for rather than any others?
How would you best describe yourself?
What do you know about the brand?
Where do you see yourself in the company in 2/5/10 months time?