King - Mr Toffee joins LinkedIn

  • Amy Taylor
Creating a talking point at Google conferences…

The challenge

Following the success of their 2014 refer-a-friend campaign, ‘Everybody knows somebody’, King wanted to relaunch with the same creative in 2015. We wanted to give the campaign a little boost, by doing something that would create a lot of buzz.

The solution

We created a fully functioning LinkedIn profile page for Mr. Toffee – a beloved Candy Crush Saga character with mascot status at King and the job of pointing gamers in the right direction. Promoted to Official Friend Referrer at King, Mr. Toffee’s profile came with a clear refer-a-friend message and relocation guides to global offices masquerading as job history. We invited everybody at King to connect with him, sending tailored messages and spreading the refer-a-friend message. Initially intended for use in friend referrals only, Mr. Toffee is now used to attract candidates to King too.

Connect with Mr Toffee on LinkedIn

The results

Mr. Toffee has long surpassed the sought-after 500+ connections status. Overnight, the theory of six degrees of separation became undeniably visible: employees (and non-employees!) from all over the world started connecting with him and found new connections through him. Employees have endorsed him for skills from referrals to scrum. Such was the novelty of the idea, LinkedIn featured Mr. Toffee as a case study when discussing future use of the platform at a recent Google-hosted conference.

Creative team: Laura Tohtua, Nerea Gonzales, Simon Taylor, Nick Pragnell.