• Sabrina Sihra
On the 7th September 2018, Mac Miller passed away. Mac Miller was and still is, such a beautiful artist, fuelled with undeniable meaning and powerful lyrics. His death came as an unbelievable shock to me and I couldn’t quite process the news. As he was one of my favourite artists, I really wanted to create something special. I wanted this piece to be vibrant, simple and beautiful.
I decided to add the outline of angels above with a drop shadow to insinuate death. I chose to do this to highlight the blur between death and reality, with the outline connoting the simplicity of life - it’s simply revolved around life and death.
I hand wrote one of his lyrics below to add a really personal touch to this. I separated the ‘leave’ from it’s shadow to explicitly reinforce the death element of this piece and also decided to reflect the ‘rear-view’ shadow to mirror the life and death concept again.
For the background, I decided to choose a light-pink to brighten the whole piece up. In terms of streetwear style and fashion, pink is also a trending colour, making this a fitting background to represent hip-hop and urban culture as a whole.